Gambling Commission launch a further consultation

01 Apr

The Gambling Commission has commenced a consultation on proposed changes to its Guidance to licensing authorities.

According to the Gambling Commission the changes proposed cover various matters including to:

  • “reflect recent changes to the social responsibility provisions within the Licence conditions and codes of practice
  • promote collaborative working between licensing authorities and local gambling operators to facilitate a coordinated approach to local issues
  • continue the positive partnership working between the Commission and licensing authorities
  • provide greater clarity about the wide range of powers afforded to licensing authorities to manage local gambling regulation through measures such as their statements of licensing policy”.

The consultation runs until 22nd June 2015 and the Commission has indicated it is keen to hear views from licensing authorities, operators and “those with an interest the local regulation of gambling”.

A link to the consultation can be found here: 'Consultation on Guidance to licensing authorities 5th edition'

Law correct at the date of publication.
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