Gambling Commission advice for Society Lotteries and External Lottery Managers

07 Nov

The Gambling Commission (GC)has recently issued updated guidance and advice to lottery promoters and External Lottery Managers(ELM).

This is aimed at raising awareness of the principles the GC will be likely to apply when considering applications by operators who wish to combine the promotion of lotteries with facilities for other forms of gambling.

The note can be found here (LINK) and has been prompted in part by the move away (through new technology and innovative developments) from traditional paper based lotteries.

An extract of the report states the principles the GC will apply in this area:

The Licensee should only use the word "lottery" in relation to products that fall within the legal definition of a lottery and are being promoted in reliance on a lottery operating licence.

Subject to that, the Licensee may offer lottery games and other forms of gambling via a single website, on associated web pages and under a single umbrella brand name, provided:

  • Lottery games and other forms of gambling are offered on separate pages of the website. 
  • Each web page makes it clear to players which type of gambling is being offered on that page. 
  • It is made clear on the home page that the licensed activities authorised by any casino or betting operating licence are only available to and accessible by players aged 18 and over. 
  • Players must only be permitted to participate in gaming or betting (including "try" or "play for fun" activities) where they are registered to do so, and only after age verification has taken place

The Licensee must ensure that any marketing material which expresses, or implies, an association with a lottery or lottery brand relates to lottery products only and not to any other type of facilities for gambling.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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