England - Carrier Bag Charge goes live 5 October

01 Oct

A reminder that a 5p charge will come into effect on single use carrier bags in England next Monday.

The charge, which will be paid by customers, follows the introduction of similar levies in other parts of the UK. The purpose of the single use carrier bag charge is to reduce the number of bags given out, increase their re-use and reduce litter.

Notable differences between the charge in England and other parts of the UK include the following:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (retailers employing less than 250 staff) are exempt from applying the charge.
  • Paper bags are exempt from the charge.
  • Further, the following types of bag are also exempt:
  • bags for life
  • bags without handles
  • woven plastic bags
  • bags intended solely for unwrapped food
  • bags intended solely for unwrapped goods contaminated with soil (e.g. loose seeds)
  • bags intended for unwrapped blades
  • bags intended for prescription-only medicines
  • bags intended to hold live aquatic creatures
  • bags intended for uncooked meat
  • bags distributed in places of transit (e.g. boats, trains and airports)

Retailers are free to use the proceeds of the charge as they wish (although they are strongly encouraged to donate them to "good causes").


Law correct at the date of publication.
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