Disclosure Scotland - new criminal records check application forms issued

05 Jul

Disclosure Scotland (an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government) is responsible for processing and issuing criminal records checks which are used in support of personal licence applications in England and Wales.

As a word of warning, their ‘Police Act Disclosure Application’ forms have recently been updated and the old forms will no longer be usable from Monday 15th July 2013 onwards.

The new forms also request extra mandatory information including:

  • nationality;
  • UK national insurance number (if held);
  • passport number (if held);
  • driving licence number (if held);
  • national identity card details (if held); and
  • copies of 3 (previously 2) forms of ID – one of which must prove the applicant’s date of birth and one of which must prove their residential address.


The new forms can be obtained from Disclosure Scotland.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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