Campaign against Local Authority restrictions on higher-strength products - update

14 Aug

Further to our previous news 18 May 2015, concerning A campaign by the Off Licence News (OLN) against ‘Reducing The Strength' schemes, the OLN is today reporting that the European Cider and Fruit Wine Association has lent its support to the campaign, criticising such schemes. It suggests that innovation in the cider market is being stifled by such schemes.

There have been concerns about possible competition issues over such schemes where implemented locally.

It is worthy of note that the Local Government Association (LGA) has previously issued guidance about possible implementation. When it comes to the completion elements of the guidance, it is fair to say that the guidance is some what ‘cautious’! See: 'Reducing the strength: Guidance for councils considering setting up a scheme'.


As we have previously indicated, participation in such schemes should be a matter for careful consideration and possibly appropriate legal advice.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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