Brentwood - Night-time Economy

11 Apr

Brentwood has taken the first steps, along with an increasing number of Local Authorities, on the road towards potentially introducing a form of restrictive late night policy.

Gurjit Degun of the Morning Advertiser yesterday reported that a public meeting would be fixed in June to discuss the new powers available to Local Authorities in respect of the late night economy.

Brentwood does not currently have a cumulative impact policy (CIP) stating in their 2011 revision to their policy:

"The Licensing Authority, having regard to the evidence currently available, and being aware of other measures that are available to the Local Authority and Police to address such issues, considers that there is no particular part of the Borough causing a cumulative impact on any of the licensing objectives."

The Council has indicated that a public meeting attended by both the Council and Police will be hosted in June to "discuss the night-time economy and the new powers available".

This meeting cannot constitute the formal consultation required under the relevant legislation however it is likely to give a strong indication as to the scale of any proposal which may subsequently be consulted upon.

We shall keep you updated.



Law correct at the date of publication.
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