Breaking News - Government Propose Further Licensing Changes

17 Jul

In a ministerial statement to the House of Commons the Government Minister Jeremy Browne has set out its position on minimum pricing but also took the opportunity of mentioning other measures which will be implemented and those that are under consideration.

These appear to be as follows:

  1. Whilst minimum pricing will be kept under review it will not be implemented at present although the indication is that there will be a ban on alcohol sold for less than cost plus VAT. In addition, ‘multi packs' will not be banned;
  2. In line with there being no blanket minimum pricing per unit there will be a concentration of action in what the minister described as "high harm" areas of the country and an emphasis on giving more powers to enable "tougher action on irresponsible promotions in pubs and clubs";
  3. There was a suggestion of some areas of relaxation including:
    • making it easier for what are described as community premises to get a licence for low level alcohol sales;
    • that premises licensed only for late night refreshment may get some exemption from needing a licence;
    • changes to the Temporary Event Notice restrictions to increase the numbers of Notices available; and
    • indication that the requirement to renew personal licences will be removed but also trailed for consultation is the possibility of the outright removal of the requirement for personal licences.

This is very much breaking news so keep watching for further and firmer detail.


Law correct at the date of publication.
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