Bradford launches new scheme targeting retailers selling super strength cans of lager to street drinkers

18 Jun

It has been reported that West Yorkshire Police are involved in a 3 month trial in Bradford’s Top of Town District of ‘tagging’ high strength alcoholic products to aid tracing the product back to the retailer.

The scheme, funded by the local Business Improvement District, specifically involves shops tagging super strength cans of lager with ‘SmartWater’ – an invisible liquid that shows up under UV light. Each retailer uses the SmartWater with a unique colour code so it can be determined which shop sold that particular product.

The scheme is designed to address issues with street drinking with West Yorkshire Police advising retailers about known street drinkers associated with antisocial behaviour in the expectation that the shops will not sell them the affected products. If the cans in question are found on problem drinkers then the Police will speak to the retailers in the first instance about better practices. However, further issues could be dealt with by issuing Community Protection Notices, which come with financial penalties if breached.

Community Protection Notices can only be issued if the conduct complained about is both unreasonable and has a detrimental effect, of a persistent or continuing nature, on the quality of life of those in the locality. Accordingly, each one would need to be looked at on a case by case basis and could be subject to an Appeal.

If you retail alcohol and find yourself in the position where a Community Protection Notice has been issued against you in connection with your business, please contact our solicitors and we can discuss how to assist.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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