BBPA Campaign - Serving Drunks

23 Mar

With input from the Department of Health the British Beer and Pub Association (BBPA) along with the Drinkware organisation and National Pubwatch have launched a new poster campaign to raise awareness  of the law relating to the sale of alcohol to drunks.

The law prohibits:


  • the sale of alcohol to a person who is drunk and
  • a sober person to buy a drink for a drunk person.


Each offence can attract fines of up to £1,000 and premise licence holders can expect to be subject to review proceedings if found to be infringing the law in this way.

As part of the campaign to raise awareness there are 2 versions of the poster “Mate’s in a state?” and “Can’t get served”.  These can be downloaded directly from the BPPA website here.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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