Barnet Council proposing to exclude “unhealthy” pubs and restaurants from business rates support


21 Aug

Barnet Council’s consultation on distribution of a rate relief funded by central government grant (£2.3m over four years) is due to close on the 29th August 2017 with a decision due in October 2017.  

The council have proposed a  draft scheme which sets out how they will distribute the £2.3m to businesses affected over the next 4 years.

It includes details of which types of business would be eligible and those excluded, one of the exclusions would be Pubs and restaurants who are not signed up to the Healthier Catering Commitment.

Business in the borough are being urged by industry bodies such as the ALMR to respond to the consultation.

If you have a licensed premises in the area and have been affected by the Business Rates Revaluation you can find a link to the draft here 'Appendix 1 - Draft Revaluation Support scheme - discretionary business rate relief 2017/18 to 2020/21'.

We will keep you updated as to any developments.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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