Latest News

05 Jul 2024

John Gaunt & Partners to Deliver Training Sessions on Behalf of the Institute of Licensing

John Gaunt & Partners Licensing Solicitors will be delivering a number of training sessions on behalf of the Institute of Licensing over the next couple of months. The courses cover a variety of subjects, including: Street Trading (Outside Lo...

25 Jun 2024

Migration of Terrorist Threats at Venues during Ingress and Egress Guidance

The National Protective Security Authority has published new guidance on the Migration of Terrorist Threats at Venues during Ingress and Egress. The guidance aims to highlight the primary security concerns arising during the ingress and egress ph...

20 Jun 2024

Newcastle follow Gateshead in restriction on takeaways

Newcastle City Council has confirmed the adoption of a policy to restrict the grant of planning for new takeaway premises. This follows a similar policy adopted by Gateshead Council a few years ago and is in an attempt to curb child obesity. Unli...

18 Jun 2024

Martyn's Law | Election 2024

Amongst several important pieces of legislation which were lost when the general election was called was ‘ Martyn’s Law’ (aka ‘Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill’). If enacted the bill would have imposed requirem...

13 Jun 2024

Propel Legal Briefing: Hospitality silence in the manifestos by Michelle Hazlewood

First appearing for Propel Hospitality in their Legal Briefing on 12th June 2024. Propel Legal Briefing: Hospitality silence in the manifestos by Michelle Hazlewood In less than a month, a new government will take office. There is a lot of chang...

12 Jun 2024

Get Ready for Euro 2024 with the BBPA's Guide!

With the Euros starting on Friday and hopefully customers attending the pubs and bars across the country to watch the matches and cheer on England and Scotland, the BBPA have issued a very helpful guide regarding trading during this period. The gu...