Latest News

17 Oct 2022

Further Town Centre Funding Released

Another round of funding from the Welsh Executive has been released under the Transforming Towns Loans Funding, many people think this is purely for urban landscaping or to reinvigorate retail, but hospitality can also benefit. The fund has been ...

09 Oct 2022

Propel Legal Briefing - Drink-driving can lead to the loss of more than one kind of licence by Leigh Schelvis

First appearing in Propel Hospitality Legal Briefing on Wednesday 12th October 2022 Drink-driving can lead to the loss of more than one kind of licence by Leigh Schelvis Part of our day-to-day work as licensing lawyers includes assisting clients...

04 Oct 2022

Liverpool Consult on Removal of Late Night Levy

Liverpool commenced Consultation on Monday (3rd October) on whether to amend the Late-Night Levy Scheme which has been in place in its current format across the city since April 2017.  We have recently reported how Nottingham has voted to bri...

30 Sep 2022

Key dates for TENs for remainder of 2022

We can’t believe it is already the end of September – where has the time gone!?! Despite everything that is going on we are still approaching one of the busiest times of the year and a time when businesses might be thinking about givi...

28 Sep 2022

Extension to Off - Sales Exemption until 30th September 2023

As most Operators will know, during the COVID pandemic the government introduced regulations which gave permission to premises with the benefit of alcohol sales for consumption on the premises only, to gain an automatic benefit (in certain circums...

22 Sep 2022

National Police Chiefs' Council - Issue New Guidance on Spiking

National Police Chiefs' Council  (NPCC) has now Issued new Guidance on Spiking. This advice, from the NPCC, which is being promoted by individual forces, is aimed at encouraging victims to report incidents of Spiking to the Police and outlin...