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Premier League again 'targets' foreign football broadcasts
We are seeing reports of a renewed purge of licensees who are being targeted in a crackdown by the FA Premier League (FAPL) over foreign TV football broadcasts. Apparently the FAPL is pursuing civil lawsuits against several pubs across the U...
Revised Guidance on persistent sale of alcohol to the under aged
We are grateful to Peter Coulson for alerting us to the issue of this revised Guidance. This in part follows revised guidance on the conduct of test purchases (see our article - 'New age restricted code of practice') but more particularly the inc...
Scotland - 'No Delay to 2015 Revaluation'
In October 2012, we reported that the Under Secretary of State, had announced that the next business rate re-valuation in England will be 2017 rather than 2015. The reasoning given was to provide certainty of costs over the ...
TV Licences
‘TV Licensing’, the Government Agency which administers and collects TV licence fees has confirmed that a single TV licence in most Public House situations is insufficient, this follows similar advice in October 2012 from agency i...
Hartlepool Borough Council - Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO)
It has emerged that Hartlepool Borough Council is considering the introduction of an Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Order (EMRO) In this instance they are consulting upon restricting sales of alcohol beyond 02.00 in the Town Centre a...
Swansea Cumulative Impact Policy
The City and County of Swansea Council is reviewing their Statement of Licensing Policy so as to include their position on the Late Night Levy and Early Morning Restriction Orders. Additionally, they are looking to introduce a Cumulative I...
Leeds - Cumulative Impact Policy Tested
On Monday 28th January Bluedene Ltd’s Leeds premises “Players” located in the heart of the Cumulative Impact Area on Albion Street, successfully obtained a 1 hour extension of their licence. Represented by John Gaunt &am...