Latest News

24 Apr 2015

PRS for Music consulting on 'live music' tariff

PRS for Music has launched a consultation on the terms of Tariff LP (LP stands for ‘Light and Popular') which is used to license the use of copyright music, controlled by PRS for Music, at live popular music events such as concerts and fest...

23 Apr 2015

JG&P20 - second charitable event

Following on from Tim and Jonathan Pupius successful completion of the Sheffield half marathon a couple of weeks ago, solicitor Charlotte Gibson and her husband are attempting the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge on 9 May.  Good luck both.   ...

22 Apr 2015

Scotland - Licensing - More changes possibly afoot!

Battle weary or battle hardened (as the case may be) operators in Scotland should be alert to the introduction of a new Alcohol Bill in the Scottish Parliament on 1st April. No joke, we promise. The explanatory notes published with the Bill indic...

22 Apr 2015

Betting Shops - Change to Planning Classification

Shortly before Parliament went into Recess for the general election a number of legislative changes were passed.  Included amongst the measures was the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Amendment) (England) Order 2015 which took effec...

21 Apr 2015

JDW - Newcastle LNL 'success'

Readers may recall the Wetherspoon ‘wheeze' where they apply to add a condition to their licence for premises which would otherwise be affected and caught by a Late Night Levy. The condition applied for removes the authorisation to sell alc...

08 Apr 2015

Five 'legal highs' to be banned temporarily

Five ‘legal highs’ are set to be banned by the Government from Friday 10 April 2015 for a period of 12 months while assessments are made as to whether they should be appropriately controlled. The ban affects five compounds related to ...