Latest News

18 May 2015

Scotland - 'New NHS post to help communities in fight against liquor licences'

Herald Scotland is today reporting that Scotland's largest health board is ‘to create a second post in less than a year dedicated to increasing the number of objections to alcohol licences and curtail the sale of drink'. The report goes on ...

18 May 2015

Campaign against Local Authority restrictions on higher-strength products gains momentum

A campaign by the Off Licence News (OLN) against ‘Reducing The Strength' schemes is gaining support, with a number of producers as well as the BBPA and the National Association of Cider Makers calling on the European Commission to take actio...

15 May 2015

Personal Licence renewals 'still required'?!

We will spare them their blushes by not naming them - but a council in the South East has been issuing letters still requiring personal licence renewals, whilst acknowledging that the Deregulation Act 2015, which abolished such renewals, is now i...

12 May 2015

Lalli - District Judge reverses revocation decision on Appeal

Back in January we reported on the “Lalli” case which concerned the William the Conqueror premises in Romford Road.   The premises licence had been revoked by the London Borough of Newham Licensing Committee following an appl...

12 May 2015

National Online Self Exclusion Scheme

The Gambling Commission are working on A National Online Self Exclusion Scheme. They have recently issued a progress report which is leading up to an anticipated supplementary consultation this year. The Commission are working with online operator...

29 Apr 2015

'Hemmings' Loses - Supreme Court Judgement Delivered

A long awaited Judgment has now been delivered this morning (29th April 2015) by the Supreme  Court in the matter of R (on the application of Hemming (t/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) and others) v Westminster City Council. The Court ruled against M...