Latest News

25 Jan 2018

Gambling - Commission launches new consultation on LCCPs

The Gambling Commission have today launched a new Consultation regarding the LCCPs. The proposed changes can be found here (which are tracked in the consultation document).  The stated aim of the changes is to make clearer requirements that ...

24 Jan 2018

The 15th National Pubwatch Conference – Tuesday 27th February 2018

The 15th National Pubwatch Conference will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Nottingham on Tuesday 27th February 2018. The conference will provide a valuable platform to share ideas and good practice. It will also provide a surgery where Nationa...

23 Jan 2018

Alcohol Minimum Unit Pricing - Select Committee scrutiny

The Health and Home Affairs Committees of the House of Commons is to consider implications of alcohol Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP) with charities, academics, professional bodies and industry on Monday 22 January 2018. The sessio...

23 Jan 2018

Merger to Create "Powerful Unified Voice" for the hospitality sector "UKHospitality"

The Association of Licensed Multiple Retailers (ALMR) and British Hospitality Association (BHA) have revealed their plans to merge and create a new trade body named “UKHospitality”. It is hoped that this new body will create a “...

22 Jan 2018

PASS Card Update

On the 17th January PASS (Proof of Age Standard Scheme) launched an updated card format which includes the National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) logo plus the logo of the Security Industry Authority (SIA).  This is to illustrate the su...

22 Jan 2018

Gambling - Betting shops: licensing and planning issues - a briefing document

This House of Commons Library briefing paper looks at licensing and planning issues relating to betting shops in Great Britain. There are 8,502 betting shops in Great Britain (Gambling Commission statistics, November 2017). The briefing doc...