Latest News

06 Feb 2017

Langton's Leisure Review 2017

Langton Capital (Mark/Jack Brumby) has produced and just released a research paper on the outlook for 2017 – ‘It’s not all about Brexit!’ A copy of it can be found here.  Read on….

03 Feb 2017

National Pubwatch Conference - 28 February 2017

The 14th National Pubwatch Conference will be held at the Hilton, in Reading, on Tuesday 28th February 2017. The conference will address issues including conflict management, Challenge 21/25, selling to drunks and a suggested training resource on...

30 Jan 2017

Local Alcohol Action Areas (LAAA) phase 2 announced

The Home Office has just released the list of the 33 regions comprising the second phase of the Local Alcohol Action Areas (LAAA) programme. On the 27 January the Home Office launched a new phase of the programme to tackle alcohol-related crime a...

30 Jan 2017

Gambling - Licensed Premises Notification (LPN) 'to go'?

Business in Licensing (BIL) and Gambling Business Group (GBG) are proposing that the requirement for premises licence holders to notify Licensing Authorities that they wish to use their automatic entitlement of up to two gaming machines be removed...

27 Jan 2017

The Soft Drinks Industry Levy

Further to our news last month on this proposed levy, a House of Commons library briefing has just been published which provides an overview of the proposed Soft Drinks Industry Levy, and a background on sugar and health. The 2016 Budget pre...

26 Jan 2017

Gambling - New Commission Consultation

The Gambling Commission today launched their latest consultation.  Entitled “Changes to our enforcement strategy: putting the consumer first” the consultation sets out our proposals for what the Commission refers to as “a ne...