
If you don’t like a decision a licensing board has made about your business, don’t worry: everything can be appealed in the Sheriff’s Court.

The timeframe for lodging an appeal is 21 days from the date of the decision or if a written reason has been requested, 21 days from the date of issue of these reasons.

However, before you rush to start turning the wheels of justice, you should ask yourself some very important questions:

  • What are my chances of success?
  • How much will the appeal cost?
  • Will I have to pay the other side’s costs if I lose?
  • Is there a better, cheaper way to get the result I want?

We can help you answer those questions and take the steps necessary to bring your case to a satisfactory close.


Sheriff's Court

Local court service in Scotland, with each court serving a sheriff court district within a sheriffdom, deals with a range of cases including civil cases, equivalent to a county court.