
24 Apr 2019

Scotland - Consultation on Occasional Licences

Yesterday, the Scottish Government launched a consultation on occasional licences in order to seek views on the two following potential changes to the system: to raise the application fee from £10 to £50, £75 or £100, alth...

29 Mar 2019

Scotland – Guidance issued on new licensing regime for SEVs and theatres

On 26 April 2019 further provisions of the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 come into force, which relate to the licensing of Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEV) and theatres. The principal changes relate to SEVs in that a new discreti...

12 Mar 2019

Scottish Personal Licence Renewals - urgent reminder

We have flagged this on more than one occasion but it is sufficiently important to bear reminding. The first Personal Licences that were issued under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 will expire on 31 August 2019. The last date to apply for ren...

26 Feb 2019

British Summer time = potential loss of an hours trading

In last month’s article on British Summer time, we warned of the potential loss of an hours trading. With Sunday 31st March 2019 a little over a month away, if you want to avoid this potential loss of trade, the deadline for a TEN is looming...

30 Jan 2019

Scottish Personal Licences Renewal

The size of the challenge faced by the Licensing Boards in Scotland in relation to the renewal process became clear when at the Edinburgh Board meeting on 28th January, it was confirmed that Edinburgh had in the region of 950 licences requiring re...

11 Jan 2019

Scotland - Personal licence renewal fee consultation summary of responses

As previously reported, the Licensing (Fees) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2018 introduced the personal licence renewal fee at £50 (on 1 October 2018) following a brief consultation. Subsequently, the Scottish Government released th...