Scotland - Tobacco Display Ban in force from today
The introduction of the tobacco display ban for large stores in Scotland comes into force today. This affects shops of more than 280 square metres / 3000 square feet (excluding all bulk tobacconists and specialists) and follows on from similar (bu...
Scotland - Identification
Further to our news update on 14 March 2013, we confirm that the Scottish Government has announced that Regulations changing the acceptable forms of ID for alcohol will be laid in the Scottish Parliament shortly. The changes will come into force...
Scotland - 5 day ban for failing test purchase overturned
In November 2011, we reported on Glasgow Sheriff Court’s decision to uphold a 5 day ban on alcohol sales imposed by Glasgow Licensing Board for a Lidl store which failed a test purchase despite the store’s significant due diligence sys...
Scottish Licensing Figures Released
The Scottish Government’s Justice Analytical Services have just released figures relating to personal and premises licences activity during the period 1st April 2011 to 31st March 2012. This is the second set of such figures released since ...
Scotland - Drink Drive Limits
The Scottish Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill, has confirmed that the Government intends to lower the drink drive limit in Scotland. Following a consultation in which 74% of respondents agreed that the drink drive limit should be reduce...
Scotland - Military ID Cards To Be Approved
We are seeing reports that the Scottish Government plans to extend the range of identification documents which can be accepted by someone selling age restricted products, including alcohol. These will include military I.D. cards, EU National I....
Angus Licensing Board - Licensing Policy Review
Angus Licensing Board commence a review of its statement of licensing policy, which it is obliged to undertake every three years. Angus Licensing Board chairman Alex King said: "We are keen to hear the views of members of the public, and ...