
20 Jun 2017

School's Out For Summer

As we approach the end of June , it is a timely reminder that  it is that time of year when both GCSE and A-level exams are finishing across the country. Many of those having taken exams will be celebrating the end of a long and gruelling fe...

14 Jun 2017

Scotland - Edinburgh Licensing Board Last Lodging Dates: Aug 2017 - Jun 2018

The Edinburgh Licensing Board has recently updated on Board hearing dates and the last lodging dates to meet those Boards. These dates are subject to confirmation at the next Board meeting. Please see below:  Board Meeting Date Last Lodgi...

05 Jun 2017

Scotland - personal licences - 'fit and proper'

We have been alerted to a recent Sheriff Court decision (thank you Scott Blair, Terra Firma Chambers) which seems to show that the discretion of the Board on a personal licence application is broad and that a Board is permitted to draw reasonable ...

17 May 2017

Scotland – Minimum Pricing – Supreme Court hearing date announced

The long running saga over the Scottish Government’s intention to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol of 50p (opposed by the Scotch Whisky Association) may finally be drawing to a close.  We have learnt that the Supreme Court wil...

15 May 2017

Scotland - Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 - further provisions coming into force today

A reminder that further provisions affecting the licensing regime in Scotland come into force today. For more detail, see our earlier article 'Scotland - Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 - further provisions coming into force'. Thes...

02 May 2017

Scotland - Overprovision Policy

A recently published Judgement of the North Strathclyde Sherriff has confirmed the right of Licensing Board to reply upon their over provision policy when determining applications, along with a number of other significant clarifications. The Appe...