Covid 19 - What you need to know - PGB and PGB Scotland agree pause in rent reviews.
On Wednesday (15th April), the Pub Governing Body (PGB)in conjunction with the PGB of Scotland announced that they had agreed with the pub companies who follow the Tenanted and Leased codes of practice and self-regulation that all rent review nego...
Covid19 - What you need to know - Local Authority Business Support
Many Local Authorities have now created pages on their websites outlining the range of business support on offer locally and via the national Governments. We have scoured the net and put together a central directory for businesses looking f...
Covid 19 - What you need to know - Renfrewshire implement new measures
We recently reported on the passage of the Scottish Coronavirus Bill through the Scottish Parliament. Prior to the implementation of the next Act, at an meeting of their Emergency Board on Friday Renfrewshire Council took steps under the te...
Covid 19 - What you need to know - The Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill
On Wednesday (1st April), the Scottish Parliament unanimously supported the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill moving closer to becoming law. The Parliament agreed that the Coronavirus (Scotland) Bill should be treated as an Emergency Bill allowing the ...
Covid 19 - What you need to know - Gambling Commission Applications
The Gambling Commission have published an update on their website about how they are working during the current lockdown. Although the Commission officers are now working from home, in line with government guidance, work is still being undertaken...
Covid 19 - What you need to know - Government launch WhatsApp Service
The Government launched on Wednesday a new Coronavirus Information Service on WhatsApp. The new free service aims to provide official, trustworthy and timely information and advice about coronavirus (COVID-19), and will further reduce the burden ...
Covid 19 - What you need to know - Scottish Government issue advice
On Wednesday 25th March, the Scottish Government issued guidance for leisure and retail businesses who are subject to closure. This follows closely advice already published by the UK Government. First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, s...