Scotland - Edinburgh - amendment to hours of Late Hours Catering Licence?
Following the recent amendment to earlier Sunday trading hours for the on consumption sale of alcohol, Edinburgh City Council last week set up a panel to consider whether late night food venues should be allowed an all-night licence from 11pm to 5...
Scotland - Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012 - and food waste!
The disposal of waste is not normally a ‘hot’ topic for us. These Regulations go live on 1 January 2014. Licensed premises operators should be aware of the effect of these regulations which may be summarised as follows: 1. All b...
Scotland - Consultation launched for creation of 'Sexual Entertainment Venues' licensing system
The Scottish Government has launched a consultation with a view to creating a dedicated licensing system for sexual entertainment venues (i.e. those offering lap dancing, strip shows, peep shows and live sex shows etc). There is already a similar ...
Sale of Alcohol to Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2013
The above Regulations were laid before the Scottish Parliament yesterday with a view to them coming into force on 1 October 2013. As previously reported in our article 'Scotland-Identification', the Regulations will change the list of acceptable ...
Scotland - Princes Street - Cafe culture proposal
Edinburgh Council is potentially seeking to create a café culture on Princes Street in order "to boost the area's vitality" by amending guidelines to permit a number of retail units to change into cafés and food and drink ...
Scotland - BREAKING NEWS - minimum pricing legal challenge update
The Court of Session in Edinburgh has determined that the minimum pricing measures proposed by the Scottish Government of 50p per unit, which were challenged by numerous bodies (including the Scotch Whisky Association), are "not incompatible with ...
Scotland - Edinburgh Sunday Trading relaxation
At its meeting on the 29 April 2013, the Edinburgh Licensing Board confirmed that its Board policy had now been amended so as to allow premises to open from 11.00 am on Sundays (bringing forward the opening hour from 12.30pm) and thereby bringin...