British Summer Time (and Easter) - be aware and be prepared!
British Summer Time (BST) (or more properly Daylight Saving Time) starts at 1.00am Sunday 26 March 2017 when 1.00am immediately becomes 2.00am. If you are proposing and are able to trade beyond 1.00am, you need to be aware and have hopefully the ...
Changes to copyright laws - calling all operators!
Please bear with us on this (and read on!) – but recently introduced changes to section 72 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 will affect most, if not all, operators and letters of demand for additional licence fees are already i...
Scotland - public health causal link 'required'
We have been alerted to a recent appeal court decision in which the Sheriff determined that a Licensing Board must find a causal link between the application to be determined and a finding that an increase in the availability of alcohol would lead...
HoL Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003: the Health objective and Scotland
At the suggestion of the Clerk to the Committee, we have filed some additional written evidence to the Committee on our experiences of the health objective, and how it works, in Scotland. This will shortly be uploaded to the HoL Committee web pag...
Food Standards Authority Enforcement Statistics published
The Food Standards Authority (FSA) has just published official statistics on food law enforcement by local authorities across the UK for the year 2015/16. The information provided by local authorities and compiled by the FSA, gives a detailed brea...
Scotland - Edinburgh Board lodging dates 2017
It has just been confirmed that the last lodging dates for the upcoming Edinburgh Licensing Boards are as follows: Board Dates Lodging Dates 30 January 2017 5 December 2016 27 February 2017 9 January 2017 27 March 2017 30 Janyary 2017 24 ...
Scotland - Liquor Licensing Statistics 2015 -16 released
Every year the Scottish Government releases liquor licensing statistics and those for 2015 -16 have just been issued and can be found here: The figures a...