Community film exhibition consultation
In our recent article ‘Further deregulation - films in community premises (E&W)’ we reported on the proposed deregulation of films as part of the Draft Regulation Bill. The Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) has now la...
Further deregulation - films in community premises (E&W)
The Draft Deregulation Bill has now been published as part of the “Government’s ongoing drive to remove unnecessary bureaucracy that costs British businesses millions, slows down public services like schools and hospitals, and hinders ...
SEV CONDITIONS APPEAL REFUSED - Secrets v London Borough of Camden
According to reports we have seen, Secrets, the operator of a number of Sex Establishment Venues in London, has failed in its attempt to remove (no pun intended) certain standard conditions contained in Camden’s sex establishment licensing p...
Planning - All Change!!
On the 30th May a number of changes came into force relating to the permitted developments rights. These changes follow a consultation by the Department for Communities and Local Government entitled “New opportunities for sustainable d...
Premier Inn Property Update
We are privileged to have been retained by Whitbread over many years as sole advisor in respect of licensing and particularly in respect of their entire and extensive new build programme throughout England, Wales and Scotland. You...
Minimum pricing developments both sides of the border?
England & Wales: Queen's speech: No measures for alcohol and cigarette restrictions No new laws have been set out by the Queen at the State Opening of Parliament in relation to alcohol and cigarette restrictions with immigration steal...