
29 Feb 2016

Scotland -Glasgow Licensing Board Festive Policy 2016 -2017

Glasgow Board's festive policy for 2016-2017 has just been announced. This policy details the possible extensions to licensed hours in relation to the festive period and other recognised public holidays and events of national significance. 'Licen...

25 Feb 2016

Hartlepool EMRO again - no, not yet!

Further to our update yesterday we understand that at the Licensing Committee meeting held yesterday afternoon, it was resolved not to impose an EMRO at this time but to go back to the Safer Hartlepool Partnership and indicate if they wished to as...

24 Feb 2016

Hartlepool EMRO again - update

On 25th January 2016 we reported that Hartlepool Borough Council were asked to consider whether to launch a formal consultation which may lead to the introduction of Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO).  At present there are no EMRO’...

20 Feb 2016

Propel - The policing and crime bill opinion piece by Michelle Hazlewood

This opinion piece was written for and appeared in this weeks Propel Friday Opinion which you can subscribe to here. The policing and crime bill was subject to its first reading in the House of Commons on 10 February 2016 and seeks to cure a numb...

19 Feb 2016

Weston Super Mare - Late Night Levy

The Licensing Authority for North Somerset Council has confirmed that it will not introduce a Late Night Levy to cover the area of Weston Super Mare. The Licensing Authority in conjunction with the Council appears to have taken a broad review...

11 Feb 2016

Scotland - South Lanarkshire Licensing Board Dates Released for 2016

It has just been confirmed that the Board dates for the South Lanarkshire Licensing Divisions are as follows: Licensing Division No. 1 (Clydesdale area) Date of meeting Final date for submission of applications Friday, 12 February 2016 n/a F...