
30 Jun 2016

Breaking News - Barrister Sarah Clover appointed advisor to HofL Committee

Sarah Clover, highly respected barrister at Kings Chambers in Birmingham, has been appointed as the specialist adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003. The Committee was convened on 25 May 2016, chaired by Baroness...

30 Jun 2016

Alcohol drinking statistics

A new Parliamentary Briefing Paper released on 27 June provides a useful summary of statistics on drinking alcohol among adults in Great Britain and children in England. Data on alcohol related hospital admissions in England and Scotland and alcoh...

14 Jun 2016

Cheltenham Late Night Levy – Potential Rethink

In January this year we reported on the sensitive approach adopted by Cheltenham to the interaction of the Late Night Levy (LNL) and establishment of a Business Improvement District (BID). A BID has now been established and will take effect from ...

09 Jun 2016

Scotland - Minimum unit pricing - update

Further to our previous news on this subject Scotland – Minimum Unit Pricing European Ruling, the Court of Session is Scotland is considering this week the legal challenge to the Scottish Government's plan for a minimum alcohol price. Judge...

07 Jun 2016

Scotland - Edinburgh Board lodging dates 2016

It has just been confirmed that the last lodging dates for the upcoming Edinburgh Licensing Boards are as follows: Board Dates Lodging Date 29th August 2016 4th July 2016 26th September 2016 1st August 2016 31st October ...

07 Jun 2016

Scotland – Glasgow Licensing Board dates - August 2016 onwards

The Glasgow Board has just announced the dates for their meetings after the 2016 summer recess as follows: Friday 19 August 2016 Friday 16 September 2016 Friday 14 October 2016 Friday 18 November 2016 Friday 16 December 2016 Friday 20 Januar...