Liverpool chose to adopt Late Night Levy
Liverpool City Council have revisited the adoption of the Late Night Levy, which had been rejected in March of this year. On this occasion the vote was in favour of adoption for premises operating beyond 12 midnight. The Levy is to commence in Apr...
Local Alcohol Action Areas – phase 2
Further to our previous news on this subject (''Local Alcohol Action Areas' announced') the Home Office is canvassing for expressions of interest in participating in a second phase of this scheme. The first phase ran to March 2015 and case s...
Scotland - Edinburgh Board lodging dates 2017
It has just been confirmed that the last lodging dates for the upcoming Edinburgh Licensing Boards are as follows: Board Dates Lodging Dates 30 January 2017 5 December 2016 27 February 2017 9 January 2017 27 March 2017 30 Janyary 2017 24 ...
House of Lords Select Committee - evidence given!
Last Tuesday, partner John Gaunt appeared before the HoL Select Committee on Licensing. Also giving evidence at the 45 minute session was Professor Roy Light and Andy Grimsey of PA. The anticipation proved rather more daunting that the sess...
Scotland - Liquor Licensing Statistics 2015 -16 released
Every year the Scottish Government releases liquor licensing statistics and those for 2015 -16 have just been issued and can be found here: The figures a...
Scotland - an 'entertaining' licensing change of note!
As we have previously reported, the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 made some changes to the Scottish licensing regime. See our article: 'Scotland - Air Weapon and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2015 - Received Royal Assent'. Those p...