Home Secretary to Make Licensing Hours Order for Coronation
The Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, has confirmed that she will make a Licensing Hours Order under Section 172 of the Licensing Act 2003 for the Coronation of King Charles III. The order will extend licensing hours from 11pm to 1am in certain ci...
Legal age of marriage and civil partnerships raised to 18
The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 has now come into force (27th February 2023). This is an important change and one which anyone having the benefit of a permission to undertake marriages or civil ceremonies at their s...
Rotherham Reviewing Cumulative Impact Policy
Rotherham’s Wickersley Cumulative Impact Policy, adopted by the full Council on 3rd June 2020 is now approaching its third anniversary. The Rotherham Policy is unusual in that Rotherham’s town centre, which is the largest urban centre ...
Walsall EMRO Update
Further to our recent article on the consideration of the adoption of an EMRO, Walsall licensing Committee met on the evening of 22nd February. For those who are interested, here is a link to the relevant page on Walsall Council website which prov...
Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council SEV Policy Successfully Challenged in The High Court
Following on from the Sheriff’s Court decision in Edinburgh last week, the High Court has also heard a case in relation to sexual entertainment venues. The High Court has reversed Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council’s decisio...
Edinburgh Nil-Limit SEV Policy Declared Unlawful
A Scottish Court has declared Edinburgh City Council’s decision to implement a “nil-limit” on Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) unlawful following a judicial review brought by the United Sex Workers Union (USW). USW hopes that ...
EMROs may be back? Walsall looking into one.
News reaches us that Walsall Licensing Committee are taking preliminary steps, which could lead to the implementation, of an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO). This is a mechanism whereby a Licensing Authority can bring in a blanket restricti...