Scotland - A further client appointment
We are pleased to be able to confirm that we have recently been appointed to advise Trust Inns in relation to a significant part of their Scottish licensing estate. JG&P have acted within England and Wales for many years for Trust Inns. Partn...
National Pubwatch Conference 2016 - to be held in Sheffield!
The 13th National Pubwatch Conference will held be on Tuesday 23rd February 2016 at the Mecure Hotel locally here in Sheffield. This is usually a well worth attending and a value for money event for Pubwatch members and other stakeholders who hav...
Breaking news - Camden affirm Levy
Following on from a lengthly consultation the London Borough Of Camden Licensing Sub Committee tonight voted to adopt the Late Night Levy for premises which operate between 12 midnight and 6am. The Levy will operate with limited exemptions. As a ...
Scotland - and that reduced Drink Driving limit!
Propel is today reporting that the number of drink-driving offences in Scotland has fallen since the legal limit was lowered a year ago. Police figures apparently show offending in the nine months after December 2014 fell by 12.5% compared with th...
Costs ordered against Licensing Authority
We have previously reported on the application to vary the premises licence for Elements & Play Nightclub in Bedford which has been ongoing for some time. We now have, thanks to the IOL, the latest instalment relating to the application b...
Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS) – update
Our monthly newsletter issued earlier in the week confirmed that this scheme was still due to go live on 1 January 2016, following a delay from its original implementation date of 1 October 2015. In anticipation of this, HMRC have now published a...