Scotland - Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill progresses
The Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill, which seeks (among other things) to make numerous and significant changes to the Licensing Act (Scotland) 2005, was debated in the Scottish Parliament yesterday when the general princip...
New Criminal Court Charges
On the 19th March the Government laid a commencement Order in Parliament enacting several sections of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, including provisions relating to 'Criminal Court Charges'. With effect from the 16th April adults plea...
Amended Late Night Levy Guidance issued
The Home Office has today reissued the Late Night Levy Guidance, amending that which was previously issued in 2012. The covering details on the website confirm: “Amended supporting guidance for licensing authorities on the late night...
Deregulation Bill enters final stages
The Deregulation Bill completed its third reading in the House of Lords last night (4th March 2015). As we have been reporting, this Bill is of particular significance to the licensed trade as it includes provision for abolishing Personal Li...
Camden Council launches late night levy consultation
Camden Council has launched a consultation on introducing a Late Night Levy for premises selling alcohol between 00.00 and 06.00. The only proposed exemption is for premises open between the above hours on New Year’s Day (i.e. New Year&rsqu...
Personal licences renewal arrangements - latest.
It is rather like watching paint dry! As previously reported, the relevant House of Lords Committee sat on 3 and 5 February and most recently on 11 February, but did not apparently consider or comment on the proposals within the Deregulatio...