John Gaunt & Partners
Relaxation of licensing hours for Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations - approved!
This, as set out below, has now had final Parliamentary approval. The House of Lords this morning approved the proposed relaxation of the licensing hours for the Queen’s birthday as anticipated. This is the final required piece i...
Food Waste: key facts, policy and trends in the UK - Parliamentary briefing
A House of Commons Library Briefing has just been released which includes some key food waste facts and trends; an explanation of the impacts of food waste; food waste policy and legislation; information on the UK voluntary initiatives in place to...
Beer Day Britain - 15 June 2016
15 June is ‘Beer Day Britain’ - where people will be celebrating all things beer and raising a glass to say ‘Cheers to Beer’ at 7pm. For more information see
Northern Restaurant and Bar Show - 15/16 March 2016
Here we are on 15 and 16 March in Manchester at the Northern Restaurant and Bar show, which is the biggest hospitality exhibition for the North of England. Do come and see us if you are also there…
JG&P @ 20 - Charitable Update
Continuing our theme of encouraging firm wide charitable endeavour throughout our 20th anniversary year, partner Kate Redford has just walked the walk (or marched the March)! Along with some 5000 others and as part of a small group of friends she...
'Cutting Red Tape' Review - and licensing
The Cabinet Office has launched a Cutting Red Tape Review of Local Authority business regulation services, including licensing. See: Government is trying to establish where there a...
Alcohol Wholesalers Registration Scheme - just three weeks to go!
We have repeatedly reminded that from 1 January 2016, businesses with a UK establishment who ‘wholesale’ alcohol to other businesses at or after the duty point must apply to HMRC for AWRS approval and do s...