'Consultation on aides memoire for food law enforcement officers' - 'game keepers' guides
For those of you who are operator ‘poachers’, you may be interested in the Food Standards Agency (FSA) consultation below. New guidance to help food law enforcement officers assess approved premises is under review and the FSA are see...
Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - now Weymouth?
We have previously expressed our concern at the trend of seeking to introduce breathalyser testing on entry to licensed premises – see for example our article: 'Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?' We are now seeing...
Sheffield - under-aged test purchasing alert
South Yorkshire Police have issued a warning of on-going test purchasing operations over the summer. This follows an operation carried out by the South East Sheffield Local Policing Team at the weekend, when 12 shops were visited by under-aged cus...
Planning - Impact of possible noise nuisance claims on viability of a business – further update
We have been monitoring the progress of the legal case currently being pursued by Pauline Foster, the owner of an East London Tavern (the George Tavern) against the decision to grant Planning permission for a residential development in a neighbour...
National Food Crime Unit launches ‘Food Crime Confidential’
The National Food Crime Unit has just launched Food Crime Confidential. This is a reporting facility where anyone with suspicions about food crime can report them safely and in confidence, over the phone or through email. The facili...
Copyright law changes affecting licensed premises
This is a very technical area (which we will deal with at the most superficial level). The Copyright (Free Public Showing or Playing) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 were laid before Parliament on 9 May 2016 and came into force on 15 J...
Scotland - Minimum unit pricing - update
Further to our previous news on this subject Scotland – Minimum Unit Pricing European Ruling, the Court of Session is Scotland is considering this week the legal challenge to the Scottish Government's plan for a minimum alcohol price. Judge...