Industry News
Attention all 'supermarkets' - Views wanted on vacuum packing guidance
The Food Standards Agency is seeking views on updated guidance on the safety and shelf-life of vacuum and modified atmosphere packed chilled foods with respect to non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum (which is able to grow and produce a harmful t...
HofL Licensing Committee - call for evidence issued
The recently constituted House of Lords Committee set up to conduct scrutiny of the Licensing Act 2003 has just published its call for evidence and invites all interested parties to submit written evidence by 2 September 2016. The request states t...
Breaking News - Barrister Sarah Clover appointed advisor to HofL Committee
Sarah Clover, highly respected barrister at Kings Chambers in Birmingham, has been appointed as the specialist adviser to the House of Lords Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003. The Committee was convened on 25 May 2016, chaired by Baroness...
Alcohol drinking statistics
A new Parliamentary Briefing Paper released on 27 June provides a useful summary of statistics on drinking alcohol among adults in Great Britain and children in England. Data on alcohol related hospital admissions in England and Scotland and alcoh...
National Food Crime Unit launches ‘Food Crime Confidential’
The National Food Crime Unit has just launched Food Crime Confidential. This is a reporting facility where anyone with suspicions about food crime can report them safely and in confidence, over the phone or through email. The facili...
Copyright law changes affecting licensed premises
This is a very technical area (which we will deal with at the most superficial level). The Copyright (Free Public Showing or Playing) (Amendment) Regulations 2016 were laid before Parliament on 9 May 2016 and came into force on 15 J...
UK Night Time Economy - and the terrorist threat
The National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO) offers businesses operating in the Night Time Economy the opportunity to take part in a regional 'Project Argus' initiative, a programme of counter terrorism testing and exercises, delivered ...