Industry News

17 Mar 2020

Potential Impact of Coronavirus - Scotland - Training

Those operating in Scotland will know that there is a clear timeline for the undertaking of training which ties in with the requirements to refresh and renew Personal Licences issued under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. In essence, training h...

16 Mar 2020

England and Wales - Coronavirus - Licensing implications

The concerns regarding the spread of the Coronavirus rising and its consequences, we have looked at how this may have day to day implications upon your licensed operations.  Clearly there are issues arising with regard to reduced footfall but...

16 Mar 2020

British Summer Time (BST)

British Summer Time (or as it may be more properly called Daylight Saving Time) starts at 1am Sunday 29th Mar 2020. This means that at 1am on that Sunday, the time becomes 2am. Unless you have a specific provision on your licence to cover the clo...

02 Mar 2020

Pubwatch Training Tools

Pubwatch have released a You Tube video named door security and search procedures which provides an excellent training tool for teams on the use of Security Industry Approved operatives at site. It looks at the role of SIA and due diligence which ...

28 Feb 2020

Alcohol Strategy - Latest Government Announcement

Following a question raised by Lord Brooke of Alverthorpe in the House of Lords regarding effective strategies for dealing with alcohol abuse during the course of 2020, the government via the Minister of State for the Home Office has said that the...

28 Feb 2020

Digital PASS

PASS, the provider of age verification documentation for those individuals aged over 18 is consulting as to the implementation of a digital system which will be displayed on the individual’s phone as well as or in substitution for physical p...