Industry News

22 Oct 2021

Chambers & Partners 2022 | John Gaunt & Partners Top Ranked!

The 2022 edition of Chambers and Partners was released today and again John Gaunt & Partners has retained our Band 1 ranking for Licensing. Partners, Jon Wallsgrove, Tim Shield, Michelle Hazlewood and Christopher Grunert have once again been ...

15 Oct 2021

Contactless Card Payment Limit To Rise

Since their introduction in 2007, contactless credit and debit cards have been a hit. The initial cap on payments was a modest £10 and has been rising ever since. Before today, the last rise to £45 was in April 2020. This has...

15 Oct 2021

Covid 19 - Welsh Covid Passports - the Detail

Further to our news item on the Welsh government adoption of the use of Covid passports we now have some working examples as to how and when they will be required to be used. To confirm use of Passports are activated when any venue  meets th...

11 Oct 2021

Covid 19 - Welsh Covid Passports come into effect

Following on from the discussions in Scotland and England as to the use of Covid passports at 7am this morning the Welsh made their position known and have followed Scotland. The Welsh Covid Passport scheme will come into effect on the 11th Octob...

04 Oct 2021

Daylight Saving Time ends 31st October 2021

A reminder that British Summer Time (or as it may be more properly called Daylight Saving Time) ends at 2am Sunday 31 October 2021. This means that at 2am on that Sunday, the time becomes 1am and premises entitled to trade to 2am or later can enjo...

30 Sep 2021

Taxis - Right to Work - Home Office Guidance

The Home Office have now published updated guidance around the right to work for taxi drivers for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. This guidance is for licensing authority officers responsible for the issue, renewal, suspension and ...