Industry News
British Summer Time (and Easter) - be aware and be prepared!
British Summer Time (BST) (or more properly Daylight Saving Time) starts at 1.00am Sunday 26 March 2017 when 1.00am immediately becomes 2.00am. If you are proposing and are able to trade beyond 1.00am, you need to be aware and have hopefully the ...
Child Sex Exploitation (CSE) Avoidance – a brief
This is an area of increasing concern for society - but also for the leisure and hospitality industry in particular. We are seeing increased attention (including ‘test purchasing’) being given to operators by the authorities who expec...
Policing & Crime Act 2017 - Licensing Provisions to come into force
Following conversations with the Home Office we can confirm that with the exception of the provisions on cumulative impact and the late night levy (LNL) the provisions in part 7 of the Act will commence on 6 April 2017. Matters coming into force i...
Sheffield Best Bar None 2017 Winners Announced
At an awards ceremony held last Thursday night, the winners of the Sheffield Best Bar None Scheme 2017/2018 were announced. Big winner of the evening was the Benjamin Huntsman who picked up 3 awards for People’s Choice award, Best Pub and O...
New £1.00 coin is due in March - reminder
As previously reported, a new £1.00 12 sided bimetallic coin is planned to be introduced in next month. The Government has been encouraging industry to prepare for this and a Treasury website dedicated to such preparation and with...
Langton's Leisure Review 2017
Langton Capital (Mark/Jack Brumby) has produced and just released a research paper on the outlook for 2017 – ‘It’s not all about Brexit!’ A copy of it can be found here. Read on….
National Pubwatch Conference - 28 February 2017
The 14th National Pubwatch Conference will be held at the Hilton, in Reading, on Tuesday 28th February 2017. The conference will address issues including conflict management, Challenge 21/25, selling to drunks and a suggested training resource on...
Local Alcohol Action Areas (LAAA) phase 2 announced
The Home Office has just released the list of the 33 regions comprising the second phase of the Local Alcohol Action Areas (LAAA) programme. On the 27 January the Home Office launched a new phase of the programme to tackle alcohol-related crime a...