Industry News

25 Sep 2017

Old £1 coin, under 3 weeks to go

We have in the past highlighted the introduction of new coins and bank notes with a number of new additions over recent months. With each introduction of a new format, the predecessor is phased out.   A new 12 sided pound coin was intro...

22 Sep 2017

London Borough of Tower Hamlets Approve Late Night Levy after Second Consultation

We previously reported on the successful challenge to the Late Night Levy in Tower Hamlets which resulted in a second consultation. Following that consultation, Tower Hamlets Council  have confirmed that they are to press ahead wit...

19 Sep 2017

FSA publishes food law enforcement data

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has just published official statistics on food law enforcement by local authorities for the year 2016/17. The information provided by local authorities and compiled by the FSA, gives a detailed breakdown of enforcem...

18 Sep 2017

Where does the "buck" stop for Food Safety Regulations? Reviewing your systems for the new regime.

With the new blueprint for regulation of food safety published this summer,   it  is more important than ever, that your regulatory safety systems are in order. For both The Food Standards Agency ( FSA)  and Food Standards Sco...

15 Sep 2017

New labeling advice published by Portman Group

On Tuesday (12th September) the Portman group published revised Guidance to drinks producers on communicating alcohol and health-related information to consumers across multiple channels, including on-pack and online. The new Guidance supersedes ...

14 Sep 2017

London's 24-hour vision

On 27th July the Major of London, Sadiq Kahn, launched London's first ever 24-hour London vision. You can read the full proposal here: From good night to great night – A vision for London as a 24 hours city. Using the Major vision, the &nb...