Industry News
Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing statistics 2018
The Home Office has just published statistics relating to alcohol and late night refreshment licensing in England and Wales – something it has done on an annual basis (other than years ending 31 March 2011 and 31 March 2015) for some time. ...
Crowd- Funded Judicial Review to challenge Hackney Licensing Restrictions
We Love Hackney a not for profit company set up by local residents, has instructed a Specialist Public Law Solicitors to apply to Judicially Review Hackney Borough Councils Licensing Policy. The policy enlarged the Special Policy Area for S...
Christmas and New Year’s Tens 2018
Some people only begin their Christmas preparations when they have seen a well-known advert from a soft drinks company! However, planning for your TENs for the festive period should take place much earlier than that, to help your premises maximis...
Scotland - West Lothian Festive Extensions
The West Lothian Board has now formerly announced their general festive extension for 2018. For all on sale premises in West Lothian The terminal hour for the sale of alcohol to be consumed on the premises is extended for the following days durin...
Consultation on banning the distribution of plastic straws
The Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has today launched a consultation to “gather views from stakeholders on the proposals to ban the distribution and/or sale of plastic straws, plastic - stemmed cotton buds a...
Licensed Trade Charity
The Licence Trade Charity provides support to people in the pub trade in many different forms but has recently launched a new service particularly geared towards supporting those persons working within the licensed trade experiencing mental health...