Industry News
The Home Office informally consults Licensing Authorities on licensing fee levels
The Home Office has written to Licensing Authorities in England and Wales asking for informal views on alcohol licensing fee levels. The survey's aim is to help the Home Office understand the true cost to Licensing Authorities of administer...
Sheffield City Council – possible Late Night Levy
For just over 10 years, licensing authorities have had the ability to create a Late Night Levy system in their areas in order to charge extra fees on premises selling alcohol between midnight and 6am. It has been reported that Green Party council...
Nitrous Oxide to be banned
The Government have confirmed as part of the anti-social reduction strategy further restrictions in relation to nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas. The headline is that possession will be a criminal offence which is driven by the fact ...
Consultation on continuing relaxation of off-sales and Temporary Event Notices
The Government has today launched a consultation on a number of regulatory easements that were introduced by the Business & Planning Act 2020 due to the pandemic. These relate to off sales and Temporary Event Notices (TENs). 1. Off Sales Thi...
City of York Council pavement licence judicial review
In May 2022, a visually impaired wheelchair user (the claimant) found herself trapped on a footpath by pavement café furniture in York City Centre because whilst in a premises, furniture was placed outside preventing her from accessing the ...
Street Trading Courses for the Institute of Licensing
Luke Elford is delivering a Street Trading Course for the Institute of Licensing. You’ll need to get in there quickly as 30 spaces have already been taken. These one-day street trading training courses will be delivered online...
Consultation on Licence conditions and codes of practice
The Gambling Commission launched on Tuesday a new consultation concerning proposed changes to licence conditions and codes of practice. The Consultation which will close on 23rd May covers the following topics: Extending the multi-operator self-...