Industry News

08 Jan 2024

Pints of wine...fizzy or still!

The Government announced over the Christmas period (27th December) that a new 568ml size is to be authorised in pubs, clubs and supermarkets for still and sparkling wine. This has received some significant publicity as this equates to a pint measu...

19 Dec 2023

Updated Licensing Act section 182 guidance

As part of measures recently announced by the Home Office to tackle drinks ‘spiking’, an updated version of the Statutory Guidance guidance under s.182 of the Licensing Act 2003 has now been issued. The updated guidance now includes s...

19 Dec 2023

Home Office - Understanding and tackling spiking

The Home Office has announced that spiking will be targeted by the police and door staff in a range of new measures unveiled today (Monday 18 December) by Home Secretary James Cleverly. The new package will include changes to the legislation, res...

18 Dec 2023

Distributing tips fairly: draft statutory code of practice

As we have previously reported, the Employment (Allocation of Tips) Act 2023 was given Royal assent on 2nd May 2023. Before the new law can come into effect, the Government must draft and consult upon a new Code of Practice. On Friday (15th Dece...

15 Dec 2023

LGA and IoL publish licensing training standard for councillors

The Local Government Association (LGA) and the Institute of Licensing (IoL) have jointly published a training standard for councillors sitting on Licensing Committees and Sub-Committees. The standard recognises that councillors have a crucial role...

15 Dec 2023

Possible change to Licensing Hours Orders

A Private Members’ Bill, introduced by Emma Lewell-Buck MP, has been laid before Parliament. The Bill, the full text of which is not currently available, seeks to make it so that Licensing Hours Orders (relaxations of hours for special occa...