Industry News

01 Mar 2023

Legal age of marriage and civil partnerships raised to 18

The Marriage and Civil Partnership (Minimum Age) Act 2022 has now come into force (27th February 2023).  This is an important change and one which anyone having the benefit of a permission to undertake marriages or civil ceremonies at their s...

20 Feb 2023

Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council SEV Policy Successfully Challenged in The High Court

Following on from the Sheriff’s Court decision in Edinburgh last week, the High Court has also heard a case in relation to sexual entertainment venues. The High Court has reversed Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Council’s decisio...

20 Feb 2023

Edinburgh Nil-Limit SEV Policy Declared Unlawful

A Scottish Court has declared Edinburgh City Council’s decision to implement a “nil-limit” on Sexual Entertainment Venues (SEVs) unlawful following a judicial review brought by the United Sex Workers Union (USW). USW hopes that ...

17 Feb 2023

EMROs may be back? Walsall looking into one.

News reaches us that Walsall Licensing Committee are taking preliminary steps, which could lead to the implementation, of an Early Morning Restriction Order (EMRO). This is a mechanism whereby a Licensing Authority can bring in a blanket restricti...

14 Feb 2023

Scotland - New measures to boost hospitality and town centre recovery - Tables & Chairs

The Scottish Government laid draft Regulations before the Scottish Parliament on Friday (10th February) which should lead to hospitality businesses being able to place tables and chairs on the pavement outside their premises without submitting a p...

08 Feb 2023

Aberdeen Consult on Relaxation of General Extension Policy

Aberdeen Licensing Board have launched a consultation in relation to any dates in 2023 that “may be suitable for the grant of a general extension for events of a local or national significance. This would include potential dates within the f...