Premises Licence

01 Aug 2017

Hartlepool say no again to EMRO

Following a Licensing Committee meeting on the 26 July 2017 the recommendation that the Licensing Committee should not adopt an EMRO was approved and be put to the full Council. This arises from a request from Safer Hartlepool Partnership to revi...

28 Jul 2017

Hackney Council to introduce Late Night Levy in November

Hackney Council have decided to introduce a Late Night Levy following a period of consultation.  The Levy will begin in November and comes despite the recent decisions by other Councils not to introduce one.   As we have reported previo...

21 Jul 2017

Gloucester Council choose a BID over Late Night Levy

Gloucester Council have decided to adopt a BID (Business Improvement District) instead of a Late Night Levy following a ballot on the issue. Yesterday at a full council meeting, they formally rejected the idea of a Late Night Levy, and the news h...

21 Jul 2017

Hemmings - the final reckoning

On 19 July 2017, the Supreme Court handed down a further judgment in the long running Hemmings case. This follows their previous judgment on 29 April 2015. In brief, the case concerns fees charged by Westminster City Council to the respondents ov...

03 Jul 2017

Scotland - Dundee - New Overprovision

Following the Aldi Stores Ltd v Dundee City Licensing Board case on 12 August 2016, where the Dundee Sherriff overturned the current Alcohol Overprovision Policy, Council officers have been reviewing the Board’s options. At their meeting on...

27 Jun 2017

Banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT: Guidance update

This Guidance (which has recently been updated) is aimed at alcohol suppliers and enforcement authorities. It provides information about the ban on the sale of below-cost alcohol, including: what the ban means and who it applies to how to imple...