Premises Licence
Scotland - Potential rule changes for Moray pubs and clubs to help curb antisocial behaviour
It is being reported that Moray Licensing Board are to consult on new rules which could be brought in for pubs across Moray ‘to help curb antisocial behaviour and bring a boost to the local economy’. There are current policy restricti...
Scotland - Edinburgh Consult on New Policy and Overprovision
Edinburgh have now commenced a public consultation regarding their new Statement of Licensing Policy which will run from November 2018 to 2022, when it will be required to be reviewed again under the terms of the current legislation. As well...
"That's time at the bar everyone, please" Hackney Council passes new Licensing Policy
We have reported previously on Hackney Council and its proposed New Licensing Policy. Any applicants for new licences in the borough will find a new "core hours policy" restricting the scope of their licences. The new “core hours policy&rd...
Glasgow Licensing Board announce general extension of hours for inaugural European Championships
We understand that City of Glasgow Licensing Board has granted a general extension of licensed hours by one hour to celebrate the city hosting the inaugural European Championships in August this year. This is a new multi-sport event bringin...
New additions to House of Commons Library
As our regular readers will know we like to keep you advised of items of interest that are placed in the House of Commons Library. These are usually briefing papers written to provide MPs and their staff with “ impartial briefing and e...
Scottish Government Hold Consultation on MUP by Wholesalers
It has been reported, that the Scottish Government is due to consult on technical changes to minimum unit pricing. Of particular purpose to this consultation is clarity on the wholesale of alcohol in Scotland and in what circumstances does M...
World Cup 2018: Promotion of the World Cup - be aware
The FIFA World Cup provides an opportunity for pubs to engage with the community and generate sales. However, in planning events or producing items to twin with the World Cup, care must be taken so as to avoid stepping on the toes of FIFA who hav...
Changes to Cumulative Impact Areas
The concept of Cumulative Impact Areas has been around for many years. In brief, they were often brought in by licensing authorities through their licensing policies where there was evidence to show that the number or density of licensed premises ...