Premises Licence
Alcohol Wholesaler Registration Scheme (AWRS) – update
Our monthly newsletter issued earlier in the week confirmed that this scheme was still due to go live on 1 January 2016, following a delay from its original implementation date of 1 October 2015. In anticipation of this, HMRC have now published a...
Scotland - liquor licensing statistics 2014-15
Every year the Scottish Government releases liquor licensing statistics and those for 2014-15 have just been issued and can be found here: Crime and Justice - Publications - Liquor Licensing in Scotland. The figures show certain details relating ...
European Distribution Fraud – alert
The ALMR is alerting to the above which involves criminal gangs placing false orders with suppliers for delivery to an address where the order is collected by the gang while payment is never made; the fraud is usually detected only when the suppli...
Brighton & Hove Council – Late Night Levy consultation decision deferred
Yesterday, Brighton & Hove Council’s Licensing Committee considered whether to consult on implementing a Late Night Levy for its area. It has been reported that the Committee voted unanimously to defer the consultation decision until a ...
Camden Late Night Levy - Hearing Date Change
Further to previous news regarding the re-consultation by Camden on the adoption of the Late Night Levy. We can confirm that the Licensing Committee are not to sit on the 18th November as previously indicated, the meeting is now scheduled fo...
Warwick Council to propose LNL 'unlikely'
A Late-night levy for pubs and other drinking establishments which stay open past midnight in the Warwick Council area (which includes Leamington Spa) is due to come up for consideration this week. But it is being reported that officers have reco...
Wigan Council - no LNL but two CIPs!
Wigan Council has just confirmed that they will not be introducing a Late Night Levy. They are however introducing a Cumulative Impact Policy in both Wigan Town Centre and Leigh Town Centre, with the aim of restricting the development of add...