England & Wales

09 Sep 2016

Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - now Weymouth?

We have previously expressed our concern at the trend of seeking to introduce breathalyser testing on entry to licensed premises – see for example our article: 'Breathalysers in pubs and clubs - a cause for concern?'  We are now seeing...

06 Sep 2016

Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) (as opposed to Late Night Levies)

As you will know, BIDs are increasingly being adopted in town and city centres - and also in preference at times to the possible implementation of a Late Night Levy. For those interested, a Parliamentary Briefing Paper has recently been published...

05 Sep 2016

Cheltenham to abandon Levy?

A consultation opens today (5 September) on the future of the Late Night Levy in Cheltenham. The consultation is seeking views on the council’s proposal for the Late Night Levy (“levy”) to cease to have effect in Cheltenham from...

05 Sep 2016

House of Lords - Select Committee on the Licensing Act 2003 - update

Further to our previous news on this Committee ('HofL Licensing Committee - call for evidence issued'), please note that: The deadline for submission of written evidence has now expired – we have already filed a submission of evidence on th...

30 Aug 2016

HMG 'invests £40 million and cuts red tape to boost tourism across England'

Last Friday, the Government announced some initiatives it indicated were designed to bolster the tourist trade in England. According to the press release: Towns and cities from across England will benefit from a £40 million fund to deliver...

12 Aug 2016

Costs recovery - 'Hemmings' may find relief in Europe

We have reported on the legal case of R (on the application of Hemming (t/a Simply Pleasure Ltd) and others) v Westminster City Council for several years.  A decision in the Supreme Court published on 29th April 2015 was decided against Mr. H...