England & Wales

15 Apr 2021

Covid 19 - Guidance Confirms LA Enforcement Powers

On the 14th of April updated guidance was issued to Local authorities that confirms their enforcement powers principally against hospitality venues in the form of the: Coronavirus Improvement Notice Coronavirus Restriction Notice ...

08 Apr 2021

Covid 19 - Government has issued guidance around payments being taken indoors

The Government have today (at 9.53am) issued updated guidance around payments being taken indoors at licensed premises. The full guidance can be found here: 2.3 Managing service of food and drink at a venue. The relevant paragraph is at 2.3...

07 Apr 2021

Covid 19 - England Guidance issued to Local Authorities on Organised Events

As we move closer to each easing stage the information machine produces more Guidance. There is now Guidance to local authorities to help then ensure that events are held safely but such information is useful to those who are planning to undertak...

06 Apr 2021

Covid 19 - Test and Trace-Guidance issued on 5th April

On the day of the Prime Ministers confirmation of the move into Step 2 more detail was released in relation to the requirements on operators in connection with the Test and Trace systems. There is a clear obligation to maintaining records of staf...

06 Apr 2021

Covid 19 England-Step 2 Additional Guidance

Following on from the Prime Ministers press conference on Easter Monday and the green light to move to Step 2 on the 12th April additional guidance has been issued. The guidance can be found here: COVID-19 Response – Spring 2021: roadmap r...

01 Apr 2021

Covid 19 - What you need to know - Updated guidance "Restaurants, pubs, bars and takeaway services"

On Wednesday 31st March, the government published updated guidance or people who work in or run restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes or takeaways.The updated guidance provides Operators with additional information on: Ventilation Tests New requiremen...