England & Wales

10 Mar 2016

'Cutting Red Tape' Review - and licensing

The Cabinet Office has launched a Cutting Red Tape Review of Local Authority business regulation services, including licensing. See: https://cutting-red-tape.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/local-authorities/ Government is trying to establish where there a...

08 Mar 2016

Policing and Crime Bill - have your say!

Last month we reported on the introduction of the Policing and Crime Bill. The Bill has now passed its second reading without a division and unsurprisingly without comment being passed on the licensing elements. This means the next stage is for MP...

08 Mar 2016

Alcohol Wholesalers Registration Scheme - just three weeks to go!

We have repeatedly reminded that from 1 January 2016, businesses with a UK establishment who ‘wholesale’ alcohol to other businesses at or after the duty point must apply to HMRC for AWRS approval and do s...

07 Mar 2016

British Summer Time and Easter - be aware and be prepared!

Easter falls relatively early this year - the weekend of 26/27 March.  However BST (or more properly Daylight Saving Time) also starts at 1.00am Sunday 27 March 2016 (NB this is the night of Easter Saturday/Sunday), when 1.00am immediately be...

04 Mar 2016

Age-restricted products and services - reminder

News in the press of ‘kitchen knives, razor blades and an axe illegally sold to teenagers in a test purchase operation across West Yorkshire’ recently is a reminder that not just alcohol and tobacco are age restricted and that test pur...

29 Feb 2016

Tower Hamlets Late Night Levy

On the 15th February Town Hamlets launched a consultation regarding the introduction  of a late night levy on premises operating in their area after midnight. A link  to the consultation document, which runs until 17th April, can be fou...