England & Wales
Draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2014 published
On 5 February 2014 we confirmed that the Government had published its guidance on banning the sale of alcohol below the cost of duty plus VAT for England and Wales. By way of update, the draft Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) O...
Gambling Update - Health Survey for England 2012
Further to our earlier news article (click here) following the release by the Gambling Commission of the 'Health Survey for England (2012)' we would highlight the following points from the report which may be of interest: The sample size of 8,291...
Cheltenham to introduce late-night levy
Cheltenham Borough Council has voted in favour of introducing a Late Night Levy which will come into effect from April 2014. The Council resolution has adopted the proposals previously submitted in the Consultation document: premises that are li...
DCMS Entertainment Licensing Statistics in the year to 31 March 2013
Last month the Home Office released statistics relating to alcohol and late night refreshment licensing in England and Wales as at 31 March 2013. Our article on this can be found here. This month it is the turn of the DCMS who have now released t...
Milton Keynes - Late Night Levy - No, Yes, No
Milton Keynes Council last night rejected the proposed adoption of a Late Night Levy. The licensing sub-committee had initially rejected the proposal at a meeting but subsequently the full licensing committee approved the proposal. Last nig...
Lambeth Council - EMRO consultation launched
Lambeth Council’s licensing policy consultation period, previously reported here, recently ended on 7 October 2013. The Council has now launched another consultation, this time considering the implementation of an Early Morning Restriction ...
Chesterfield not pursuing an EMRO - just yet
Following preliminary discussions with the Council, Chesterfield have decided that they are not going to pursue an EMRO at this time. During the pre-consultation phase there was not enough support to take it any further. They have not ruled it o...