England & Wales
Shop opening hours including Sunday trading - parliamentary brief
The House of Commons Library has just published a briefing note, the aim of which is to look in detail at permissible shop opening hours. In the process, it also summarises the background to the Sunday Trading Act 1994 and the Christmas Day (Trad...
Weymouth and Portland EMRO? Not now!
At the full Licensing Committee of Weymouth and Portland Council held on the 9 July, Councillors rejected proposals to consult upon the implementation of an EMRO in their district citing a lack of evidence to support the proposition. Dorset Polic...
Late Night Levy - update
There are currently 7 Late Night Levy (LNL) Schemes operating in England, although Welsh Authorities also have this power, they are yet to join in. Most schemes (4 of 7) were introduced on the 1st November 2014; Newcastle were the leaders introduc...
No proposed ban of e-cigarettes in enclosed spaces in England
Last week we reported on the proposals of the Welsh Government to ban the use of e-cigarettes in enclosed and substantially enclosed public and work spaces. Following this, it has been reported that the Department of Health has confirmed that a s...
Cheltenham Late Night Levy
As previously reported, Cheltenham Borough Council (Cheltenham) introduced their own Late Night Levy (LNL) on 1st April 2014. In response to a Freedom of Information request following the Levy's first anniversary, Cheltenham's answers reveal a sub...
Camden Council - Late Nigh Levy - Update
As we have earlier reported Camden are in the process of consulting on the implementation of a Late Night Levy, the proposed hours being midnight to 6am. The Consultation period closed on the 8 May 2015 with in excess of 180 responses being ...